Hire Off-Duty Police in Delaware from Operational Police Protective Services

Understanding Crime in Delaware

Delaware, while a beautiful state with a rich history, faces its share of security challenges. According to a 2021 report, Delaware has a crime rate above the national average. Property crimes, in particular, are a significant concern, making up over 80% of reported offenses. Here’s a breakdown of the most common crimes.

Larceny-Theft: This is the most prevalent crime in Delaware, encompassing shoplifting, stealing personal property, and vehicle theft.

Burglary: While less frequent than larceny, burglary is still a concern. This involves breaking and entering a building with the intent to commit a crime.

Vandalism: This crime involves damaging property, including graffiti and destruction of windows.

Drug-related offenses: Drug possession and distribution are also prevalent in Delaware.

These crimes can have a devastating impact on businesses and people, emphasizing the need for off-duty police.

What are Off-Duty Police in Delaware?

Off-duty police officers are sworn law enforcement professionals who are not currently on their regular patrol shift. They may be working part-time jobs or using their time. However, they are still licensed police officers and carry the training and experience to handle security situations.

Why Choose Operational Police Protective Services’ Off-Duty Police for Security in Delaware?

Highly Trained Professionals: At Operational Police Protective Services, our off-duty police officers are extensively trained in law enforcement procedures, de-escalation tactics, and emergency response. They bring a wealth of experience to the table, ensuring the safety of your Delaware property and personnel.

Visible Deterrence: The presence of a uniformed officer is a powerful deterrent to crime in Delaware. Operational Police Protective Services’ off-duty police officers patrolling your premises can discourage potential criminals and provide peace of mind for your employees.

Immediate Response: Our officers are trained to handle situations quickly and effectively. In the event of an incident in Delaware, they can take immediate action to minimize damage and ensure everyone’s safety.

An off-duty police team

Community Relations: Police officers in Delaware have a unique understanding of the community and can build positive relationships with local law enforcement. This can be helpful in preventing crime and resolving issues before they escalate.

Law Enforcement Knowledge: At Operational Police Protective Services, our off-duty police officers understand the legal aspects of security situations in Delaware. They can identify potential criminal activity and know how to respond appropriately within the bounds of the law. This can be crucial in situations where de-escalation or evidence collection is necessary.

Experience in Crisis Management: Police officers are trained to handle high-pressure situations and make quick decisions. They can remain calm under stress and effectively manage crises at your Delaware business, minimizing panic and ensuring everyone’s safety.

Rapport Building: Off-duty officers have experience interacting with the public and building rapport. This can be helpful in de-escalating tense situations and dealing with difficult customers or employees at Delaware businesses.

Firearm Proficiency: Many off-duty police officers at Operational Police Protective Services in Delaware are proficient in firearm use. While not always necessary, this expertise can be a valuable deterrent in high-risk situations. (It’s important to note that the use of firearms will depend on Operational Police Protective Services’ specific policies and procedures).

Detailed Reporting: Delaware police officers are trained in thorough and accurate documentation. They can provide detailed reports of security incidents, which can be helpful for insurance purposes or future legal proceedings.

police officers

Adaptability and Versatility: Our off-duty police officers can adapt to a variety of security needs. They can be deployed for foot patrols, mobile patrols, access control, or specific event security, ensuring a well-rounded security presence in Delaware.

Professional Demeanor:  Police officers are trained to maintain a professional demeanor in all situations. This can project a sense of authority and create a positive impression on clients, customers, and employees in Delaware.

Peace of Mind for Employees: Having a visible police presence from Operational Police Protective Services can significantly improve employee morale. Employees feel safer knowing there’s a trained professional readily available to handle security concerns.


Expertise in Evidence Collection: In the event of a crime, our off-duty officers in Delaware are familiar with proper evidence collection procedures. This can be crucial for law enforcement investigations and potentially lead to successful prosecution.

Reduced Liability: By hiring trained security professionals from Operational Police Protective Services, you may be able to reduce your potential liability in the event of a security incident in Delaware.

Strong Communication Skills:  At Operational Police Protective Services, our off-duty police officers are trained to communicate effectively in a variety of situations in Delaware. They can clearly convey security protocols to employees, de-escalate tense situations with customers, and provide clear and concise reports to management.

Understanding of Criminal Tactics: At Operational Police Protective Services, our off-duty police officers have firsthand experience with criminal behavior and how criminals operate. This allows them to anticipate potential threats and implement preventative measures to safeguard your business.

Experience with Technology: Many police departments in Delaware utilize advanced security technology like CCTV cameras and access control systems. Therefore, Operational Police Protective Services’ off-duty officers are likely to be familiar with this technology, allowing them to effectively monitor your business and respond to security alerts.

Commitment to Public Service: Police officers typically enter the profession with a desire to serve and protect their communities in Delaware. This dedication often translates into a strong work ethic and a genuine commitment to the safety of your business and its employees.

Why Should You Hire Off-Duty Police from Operational Police Protective Services?

At Operational Police Protective Services, we go beyond simply offering off-duty police for your Delaware property. We understand that security is a top priority, and we’re committed to providing exceptional security services tailored to your unique needs. Here’s what sets us apart.

Even in areas with lower crime rates in Virginia, businesses and individuals can benefit from having an extra layer of security. Here are some reasons why armed security might be the right choice for you.

Customized Security Solutions

We don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. Our experienced team will work closely with you to assess your security risks, understand your business operations, and develop a comprehensive security plan. This plan will outline the specific security measures needed, ensuring your property, assets, and employees are optimally protected.

Flexible Service Options

At Operational Police Protective Services, we offer a diverse range of security services to fit your specific needs and budget in Delaware. Whether you require on-site patrols for constant vigilance, after-hours security to deter nighttime crime, or specialized event security for large gatherings, we have the solution for you.

VIP protection by a security officer

Cost-Effective Security

Security shouldn’t break the bank. At Operational Police Protective Services, we offer competitive rates and transparent pricing. We’ll work with you to find the most cost-effective solution that delivers maximum security value for your investment.

Constant Support

Your security concerns are always a priority. We provide 24/7 support, ensuring you have a dedicated team ready to answer your questions and address any security issues you may face. With Operational Police Protective Services, you’ll have peace of mind knowing you have a reliable security partner by your side in Delaware.

Hiring Off-Duty Police in Delaware? Reach out to Operational Police Protective Services

Don’t let crime disrupt your daily life! Contact Operational Police Protective Services today for a free security assessment and discover how our off-duty police officers and customized security plans work efficiently. We’re here to partner with you and keep your Delaware property and your loved ones safe.


Please complete this form to contact Operational Police Protective Services for a no-obligation risk assessment.

Contact Details:

Address: Pasadena, Maryland.

Call: (443) 790-2511